“The Early Days Podcast” is an insightful and introspective show that offers a thoughtful look into the journeys and experiences of entrepreneurs, creatives, and innovators in the early stages of their careers. Through candid conversations and personal anecdotes, the podcast provides a unique perspective on the challenges and triumphs of starting a business or pursuing a passion project. Listeners will find the discussions to be thought-provoking and inspiring, offering valuable insights and practical advice for anyone looking to navigate the unpredictable waters of entrepreneurship and creativity.
The Latest Podcast Episode
With Minister Elke van Den Brandt.
Features a diverse array of guests
offering insights.
Providing valuable perspectives on the broader implications of shared micromobility for cities and communities.
Overall, the diverse mix of guests adds depth and richness to the podcast’s exploration of the early days of micromobility.
Shared Mobility Podcast
Early Days Of Micromobility.
Throughout the season, Constantin Vermoere interviews a range of experts, founders, and innovators in the field, delving into their experiences and insights on the challenges and opportunities of creating sustainable and accessible shared micromobility solutions. From the intricacies of designing and manufacturing electric vehicles to the regulatory hurdles of launching a new transportation service, season 1 provides a wealth of valuable information and practical advice for anyone interested in the future of mobility. The discussions are engaging and thought-provoking, offering a glimpse into the cutting-edge developments and trends shaping the micromobility landscape.
We share inspiring
stories from our guests.
Multiple Seasons: Explore the different seasons, each focusing on different topics.
About The Guests
“Throughout the show, guests share their experiences and ideas on topics ranging from the design and manufacturing of electric vehicles to the importance of user experience and safety in building sustainable micromobility solutions.”
by Constantin Vermoere
About The Guests
“Throughout the show, guests share their experiences and ideas on topics ranging from the design and manufacturing of electric vehicles to the importance of user experience and safety in building sustainable micromobility solutions.”
by Constantin Vermoere
About The Guests
“Throughout the show, guests share their experiences and ideas on topics ranging from the design and manufacturing of electric vehicles to the importance of user experience and safety in building sustainable micromobility solutions.”
by Constantin Vermoere
About The Guests
“Throughout the show, guests share their experiences and ideas on topics ranging from the design and manufacturing of electric vehicles to the importance of user experience and safety in building sustainable micromobility solutions.”
by Constantin Vermoere
all over the world.
Popular in over 20 countries and in the top 10 in a few countries such as Estonia and Saudi Arabia and Israel in two different categories.
Spotify Top
Most Shared Globally
Popular in over 20 countries and in the top 10 in a few countries such as Estonia and Saudi Arabia and Israel in two different categories. According to @anchor.fm 36% of our podcast plays are coming from @spotify, 30% is coming from @apple podcast, 12% from web, 5% from Podcast Addict & 17% from other. 49% of our listeners use an @apple iPhone 📱, 20% use Android Phone 📱 10% use Windows Computer 🖥️ 6% use @apple Computer & 16% use other devices such as smart TV, HomePods, smart speakers etc